Last night was the homeschool prom! This was my first time officially going, but I was a server last year. One of the nicest things about it is the fact that so many people just go with friends instead of dates. There are, of course, quite a few couples, but some of them just go as friends, and there are there more than enough people who came with out a date to make being date-less
fun. I went with my dear friend Crystal. We've been planning this for nearly a year! She came over to my house to get ready beforehand, and fixed my hair. She is amazing with hair! I don't know what she did, but it was amazing. We were both excited, and maybe the tiniest bit nervous. Once we were there it was so much fun! There were a lot of people I knew, so there was always someone to talk to. I had never done anything like this before. The historical ball was nice, but this was REALLY nice. I loved seeing what everyone was wearing. After dinner we danced for a few hours. I say we, but that isn't entirely correct, because I didn't dance much. I'm not that good at it, and I couldn't quite get up the nerve. We did some songs that I knew though, like YMCA, the electric slide, and the Hokey Pokey. :) The whole evening was as nice as I'd hoped it would be. After the prom was over (at midnight) I went to my friend Parri's house and spent the night with some friends. We talked until 3 in the morning, so I'm pretty much exhausted at this point.
You look BEAUTIFUL! I love your dress :)
Sure looks like everyone had a wonderful time!
You look AWESOME! I love the dress! I also LOVE your hair! Call me back soon! Love, Austin
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